Tuesday 27 April 2010

Steve Score, TUSC

TUSC PPC (Leicester West),
Steve Score's endorsement & reply

1. "Yes, I do agree with the policy of reducing tax on the lowest paid and increasing tax on the rich and your specific proposals. However, I would go further. The PCS trade Union estimate that £100 billion is lost in tax because of avoidance by rich individuals and companies. These loopholes such as Non-domicile status, non-residential status, and the use of offshore tax havens should all be closed. But I also believe that while we continue to have a system run in the interests of big business, where the wealth of the big companies can control the main political parties, we will always struggle to get ‘fairness’. If the top 150 companies and financial institutions were publicly owned and democratically controlled, we could use their resources to make a better life for everyone".

2. "Yes the rich should pay more and the poor less. The divide between rich and poor has continued to rise under Tory and Labour governments. The taxation system has became increasingly regressive at the same time that the super rich have vastly increased their wealth at the expense of the majority. Taxes such as VAT hit the lowest paid the most, and there is a prospect of it being increased whichever of the three main parties come to power. Whatever candidates from the main parties may say before an election (with “no commitment to act upon the policy”), their parties will increase this divide. They all have a policy of reducing the public deficit caused by the bankers and economic crisis by making working people pay and slashing public services".

3. "Yes, I pledge to campaign for improvements in the taxation system inside or outside of parliament, alongside continuing to campaign for a socialist alternative to the pro-rich parties"!

Steve Score

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